WordPress is one of the most used website systems around the world and of course, you can embed flipbooks very easily with Heyzine and following the next few simple steps.
Step 1: Edit page or post
Step 2: Add a custom HTML block
Step 3: Copy embed code from Heyzine
Step 4: Paste the embed code to WordPress and save
Step 1: Edit the WordPress page or post
We will start by looking for the WordPress page or post where we want to embed the flipbook, looking through the list, and clicking on "Edit".
Step 2: Add a custom HTML block
Now we have to choose the place where we want the flipbook to appear embedded and click on the small plus icon on the right of the line to add a new block and select "Custom HTML".
Step 3: Copy embed code from Heyzine
The next step is to go to the heyzine dashboard and choose the flipbook we want to embed, if you don't have any flipbook yet, you can follow with one of our getting started with flipbooks guides.
When we know which one we want to embed, just click on it, "Share", "Web / embed" on the top, and click "Copy Html code".
Step 4: Paste the embed code to WordPress and save
Finally and back to WordPress, we have to paste the code into the new block we previously created.
Click on "Preview" to check everything is fine and adjust the "width" and the "height" from the code to make it look the size you want. For example "width: 95%; height: 600px" is a common good size.

And the only thing left to do is to click on "Update" to save and publish the changes to our WordPress site.